No, this is not your imagination. Definitely becoming hotter. Eight warmer years have passed over the past decade. This summer, although it was late, still pleases with warmth. How to cool yourself and your apartment with savings? In this article you will find tips on how to create a comfortable climate in the apartment not to the expense of the budget. All notes on the benefit of each item are indicated by how much you save, unlike the electricity account going to cool the apartment, only air conditioning. Some of the points still provide for the use of the air conditioner, but tells how to save on it. Some points can be considered as independent, which will reduce the temperature in the house, but still not as much as with the help of air conditioning. In any case, all our tips are designed for you to save electricity to cool your apartment.
1. Install a programmable thermostat.
If your house has air conditioning, then a programmable thermostat (chronothermostat) is definitely useful to you. This device allows you to configure certain programs for your air conditioner. For example, it can control the temperature, thereby the air conditioner will not overload, giving constant greater power, but only control the right. If you calculate your electricity consumption that the air conditioning absorbs, then you will truly evaluate the thermostat and its opportunity to save your money. Think about the thermostat when you think about buying air conditioning with installation in Moscow. In addition, the air conditioner will be harder to catch you if he only holds a convenient temperature regime. In addition, in a programmable thermostat, you can configure the repetition of the same algorithm. That is, the whole system will work independently — turn on in the morning, turn off when you go to work, etc. p. You will always be in comfort, and you will not even need to make efforts.
Cost: from 1,500 rubles and above
Benefit: up to 20% Electricity saving with proper use
2. Adjust the temperature with a thermostat
If you have a conditioning system at home, set a temperature mode of 26 degrees Celsius. You will save from 5 to 8 percent for cooling costs in the house. Adding degrees above this mark, you increase savings. That is, if there are 27 degrees, then the savings will be from 10 to 15 percent. Bring degrees to 29 and you will save from 35 to 55 percent.
Benefit: 5-55 percent of the amount for electricity you will save
3. Use the fan and lotions
The fan consumes much less electricity than the air conditioner. On average (although this indicator depends on the specific model) the fan eats 10-15 kopecks per hour of operation. Even better, the fan works in tandem with air conditioning, because one cools the air, and the other moves it. This cooperation saves strength, and therefore the cost of the air conditioner.
The fan saves your budget even if it does not work when you are in the room. Therefore, fans (usually built -in or ceiling) are supplemented by turning on the motion sensor. The sensor will cost about 1000 rubles. However, this sensor must be selected taking into account the presence of a house of pets, which he can be considered for you, and then the fan will work for them too.
Cost: a small desktop fan will help you little, but its cost begins with about 300 rubles. The price of a ceiling fan starts from 2500 rubles and grows depending on the models. Floor fans cost from 1000 rubles. To equip the house with ventilation systems can cost about 10,000 thousand, but all this is very dependent on specific materials, company, volume of work, etc. p.
Benefit: the ceiling fan in conjunction with the air conditioner can save your account for cooling the house by 15 percent. Ventilation of the whole house saves the budget by as much as 50 percent.
4. The trick of Texas cooling
Texas cooling, as the Americans call it — this is a banal routine cunning that will require you at least investments. You just need to use the advantages of street cool. At night, when the temperature drops, open the windows and run cold air into the house using a window fan. As soon as the sun rises or the air begins to heat up, close the windows.
Cost: The window fan costs from 300 rubles (plus its installation), minimum energy costs depending on the model.
Benefit: 20-50 percent, if you still use the air conditioner and much more if you stop.
5. Blok the sun
About 20% of the heat enters your house like sunlight. To cut the costs of cooling what has come with sunlight, add curtains or blinds to your windows, which will prevent direct sunlight from entering your apartment. Consider rollels, they are the cheapest. Reflecting curtains the most expensive.
Cost: from 300 rubles per window depending on the material and goods
Benefit: saving 20% on cooling costs
6. Cook wisely
Any devices that are used for cooking are highlighted. Thus, just having made yourself chicken for dinner, you can heat the room as much by 5 degrees. This increases your cooling costs by 2-5 percent. What can be done? Transfer cooking to cold days, especially if you bake something. By the way, the use of dishwasher and washing machine at night will also help you.
Cost: 0 rubles
Benefit: 2-5 percent of energy costs
7. Cold light
Incandescent lamp adds temperature to your home. To reduce this hot light, replace the incandescent lamps with fluorescent lamps. They consume less energy and radiate 90 percent less heat.
Cost: about 400 rubles
Benefit: up to 5 percent of saving from an apartment cooling account, plus electricity savings
Portal Project Roads wishes you a comfortable temperature in the apartment!