The construction of any building involves not only the choice of construction site, the selection of the necessary materials, but also the layout inside the building. The layout can be adjusted both during construction and after. However, if we are talking about the load -bearing walls, then here the redevelopment can threaten the collapse of the building. Therefore, the interior can only be changed if auxiliary walls that do not perform a supporting function. Partitions can be thorough (from stone, brick, reinforced concrete), you can make partitions of their drywall, glass, which facilitates not only work, but also, if necessary, allows you to change the internal area.
Even the house of cards shows a person that the wall is the second basis after the foundation. It performs the function of the support, which provides the ability to move around the created rooms at any time and without restrictions. The creation of walls during the construction of a house is the most important process that a person is especially strictly paid to, because at the present time it is important to determine what you choose for your home.
How to change the location of the partitions in the house?
Changing the location of the partitions indoors requires accurate work, a mandatory study of project documentation. It is recommended to make a drawing (project) by which the interpretation of the interior will be redeveloped. One of the simplest ways to redevelop rooms is the creation of the frame and its lining with materials, for example, cardboard. However, this method may not be very suitable if you do not take into account the possibilities of the room (humidity, temperature, the purpose of the room). The use of partitions from boards will be better.
At the same time, the boards should be treated with a special tool that will prevent them from the fungus, mold. It is best to use drywall partitions, glass. They have noise — sound insulation, fire resistance. Such partitions are easily collected and it is also easy to disassemble. If the threat of fire occurs, they will not let fire spread quickly throughout the room.