Poor hygiene and uncomfortable shoes can harm your legs. Corns appear in particular, due to close shoes made of synthetic materials, which does not allow the leg to breathe. Corns look like thickened skin. In areas such as the toes and the heel, where shoes and boots are most shook, there is a high risk of “hard” calluses. Soft corns appear in the zone where the fingers rub on each other when walking. Poor hygiene and uncomfortable shoes can harm your legs. Corns appear in particular, due to close shoes made of synthetic materials, which does not allow the leg to breathe. Corns look like thickened skin. In areas such as the toes and the heel, where shoes and boots are most shook, there is a high risk of “hard” calluses. Soft corns appear in the zone where the fingers rub on each other when walking. That is why it is impossible to wear dense hard shoes, as it helps the formation of corns and curvature of bones.
To prevent corns, more comfortable shoes should be worn, and whenever you have the opportunity, you must walk barefoot. If there is a need to wear less comfortable shoes, it is recommended to put protective patches.
If you have corns, you can consult a doctor to remove them, or you can use a patch soaked with salicylic acid. Diabetics cannot use such patch. In addition, to remove corns, you can use a pumice and a scraper for corns. Long wearing of narrow shoes or models with a pointed end deform the joint of the thumb of the leg, which makes it swollen and painful.
In addition, there is a risk that the thumb can change shape. For correction, special pillows of polyurethane foam are used. Serious problems can be treated surgically or, in less serious cases, physiotherapy is used. The pain can be reassured with a patch with a silicone gel. If you already have serious legs, it is recommended to wear shoes, boots or sandals with low heels.
Corns arising on the heels give a burning sensation. In this area, the skin thickens and hardens. In this situation, lubricate the heels with a special cream to soften the skin and wipe the heels with a pumice or scraper. Close shoes leads to the formation of cracks and bleeding on the heels. A good tool is the use of nutritious, moisturizing and healing cream. You also need to wear shoes that are ideal for your leg, preferably made of genuine leather.
Be irresistible and remember that you cannot neglect health!