In order to have a beautiful, slender figure, many women resort to various diets, but first of all the face loses, a lot of small wrinkles appear, the skin becomes flabby, facial features float.
Another drawback when dark circles around the eyes appear and cosmetics cannot cope with this. Such shortcomings can be removed by making lipofiling. This popular and effective procedure for correcting disadvantages, which has been known for almost 100 years.
In general, lipofilling, modern cosmetic plastic procedure, which, using transplantation of its own fat cells, improves the contours of the face, removes wrinkles. Make lipofilling using anesthesia, adipose tissue is taken in places where it is a lot, for example, on the stomach or hips. They take fat with a needle, then cleaned and entered through the micro to the problem areas, while there are no scars and scars left.
There is a great advantage of lipofilling that their own fat deposits are used, which contain a large number of table cells and they are not rejected by the body, blood vessels are well germinated into their own tissue, which gives a long result, does not cause allergies or side effects. You can achieve a double effect, remove fat accumulations where they are not needed, and tighten the contours of the face and body in the right places.
Lipofilling, you can adjust the breasts if there are bumps and give it a beautiful shape, increase it, but not more than one size. Often used when changing the shape of the lips. When removing nasolabial wrinkles. Change the shape of the legs, fix their light curvature. Surgeon, distribute fat tissues to such images that the shape of the legs is perfectly beautiful. Women pay great attention to the shape of the buttocks so that they would be fit and elastic or even if the buttocks are not quite satisfied with the nature, this operation is perfectly coping with these tasks. Nothing gives out the age of a woman like her hands, the lipofilling of the hands will eliminate this drawback.
And of course, facial lipofilling will help to remove changes caused by age, make the skin elastic and young.
After the procedure, swelling appears that last a week, punctures heal for 10 days. Doctors do not recommend physical activity, after surgery. The desired result comes only after 2-3 months, after the adipose tissue takes place.