Bag is a practical everyday indispensable accessory. It is intended to take everything you need with you to work or study with you or even just go to the store with it.
Not only practical bags on the shoulder are male, but there are also a choice for ladies. In addition to the functional load, the bags also play the role of addition to the main image. At the same time, in order to be high -quality and roomy, the bag should be beautiful, fit in style and combine with other details.
When choosing a bag, you immediately need to pay attention to the material from which it is made, lining, seams and locks. Most often, genuine leather, suede, textiles and leatherette are used for the production of bags. A women’s leather bag will cost a lot, but it will be good for a long time without visible wear, cracks and scuffs. In order to check the authenticity of the skin, you can slightly draw a fingernail along its surface. A barely visible trace will remain on a really leather bag. And if you hold it a little in your hands, it will heat up, since natural skin takes heat. In order to check the suede for naturalness, you can drip a little water on it. Due to its porous structure, real suede will absorb water, but there is no artificial. By the way, the reverse side of artificial suede from fabric.
Bags made of leatherette or pressed leather by definition are not so high -quality and resistant to weather conditions. These materials are quickly cracking, lose color and become worn out. Of course, better — this is a women’s leather bag. However, it all depends on the accuracy of the owner. Some manage to wear even accessories from poor -quality materials for years. But they have one advantage — this is a care for care. Bags made of artificial materials are easy to clean, just wiping with a damp cloth. But from textiles and wicker ones are more intended for wearing in the summer season. They are light, air and convenient for that, for example, to go to the beach.
The interior compartment of the bag should be qualitatively executed and well shifted. The fabric should not be protruded, but tightly in contact with the front side. All locks and lightning are serviceable and comfortable. Lightning should not seize and diverge, and magnetic rivets tightly hold the pockets of the bags closed.
It is better to choose a bag for every day with strong, long (so that you can throw it on the shoulder), well -attached handles. It should be medium or large, preferably dark color. But for evening walks it is better to purchase a small, light, but to fit all the most necessary.
For example, men’s bags on the shoulder always remain relevant for gentlemen. For women, the option over the shoulder shoulder is no less attractive and practical.