At forty to look twenty -five. Isn’t this the secret dream of every woman who has crossed this age line?
A few years ago, to realize such a dream in the past, plastic surgeons were “helped” by the facelifting procedure. It was a real operation, with deep penetrations into the skin and a long rehabilitation period.
Today, the latest Silhouette Lift Soft, which helps to tighten the skin of the face with the thinnest threads has appeared. This is a third of a third of the face with soluble threads. Most of the ladies are mistaken if they believe that this type of lift exists only. In fact, threads, like the process itself, are quite different.
The tightening is carried out by threads of high sample gold, polypropylene threads Autos and the silhouette of the elevator, as well as the use of 3D mesonity.
Gold threads for tightening faces, this is rather an injection procedure than surgical, because the threads are introduced under the skin of the injection, and there is, thereby, forced production of collagen in the skin. But the rest of the types of threads are already a real classic tightening. Separately from all types, I would like to highlight 3D mesonity. Thanks to the use of threads made of polymolic acids, this procedure can be achieved not only of facelifts, but also to get all the charms of mesotherapy itself, also, in contrast, from all existing procedures, given much more budgetary, differs in a short rehabilitation period, and is easy to conduct in conducting.
All suspenders are good — choose at your discretion. And of course, plastic surgeons who can give a qualified consultation and a number of tips will help you decide, of course, as well as talk about durability and all possible nuances. Be only beautiful, young and beautiful!