Love. The desire of the vast majority of humanity. The urgent necessity in the world where wars, hunger, suffering, deprivation and depersonalization rule. Such a nicer feeling that makes us perform exploits, create nonsense, rethink the world and oneself. A feeling that suddenly turns, like an ordinary person, into a single and unique, desirable and very necessary.
In the world of computer technology, people have forgotten how to talk to each other. It is painfully difficult to clearly express those emotions that overwhelm souls and strive to break out. Quotes about the love of great people can come to the rescue. Search for the right words, the accuracy of expressions have always been valuable. In addition, the search and reading of such texts helps to better understand yourself and your experiences.
I want not a simple chemical love, which disappears with the first slightest difficulty, breaking up about life and finance. I want the very love that thousands of works are written, millions of lines. The very sense of reliability and support, which allows you to solve all problems, is happy to strive home, catch any moment of proximity as the only and most valuable.
Many authors, each of whom experienced love in his own way, seeks to share this knowledge with people. And, nevertheless, every love is unique than it is valuable. This is a rarity in the cynical world, divided into boring pieces of contracts and prices.
The desire to find such a feeling is akin to a throat of life -giving moisture, awakening life even in the most boring and pragmatic person. Anyone who has found his love will do everything so as not to part with it. And if the circumstances are separated, make all efforts to reunite.
Recognitions in words allow you to warm your loved one at great distances, give a sense of reliability and support in any situation, even if there is no way to hug and take by the hand.